So you have cleared the story, reached Hunter Rank 40, unlocked every monster, and also gotten the weapon and an armor set you want. Now you are asking yourself what more is there to do?
Well, that is what I will be telling you all about today, as a Rank 160 Hunter! Because there is, in fact, more!
Before we begin however, if you are new to the game, and want to know what we thought about Monster Hunter Wilds itself, then feel free to check out Ben's review of the game! He broke down and detailed nearly every aspect of Monster Hunter Wilds, so you can decide if this is the type of game for you.
Do all the Side Quests For More Features
At this point you might have a few side quests, if not most of them, saved up in the background. You may have done a few of them, but it was a bit unclear what you actually got as a reward besides typical gathering materials. Well, most side quests in Wilds actually unlock new features for you! Village Quests unlock a gatherer that can collect stuff like Honey, Might Seeds or ammo plants while you are out hunting or doing something else. If you're a Light or Heavy Bowgun user, this can be fairly important for you in particular.
(Also make sure to talk to them AGAIN after the side quest, it doesn't count and unlock otherwise.)
There are also a few side quests where you do a duo hunt, and completing these unlock the chance for duo investigations to start appearing on the map. Other quests unlock tempered versions of monsters as well, and is how you can get the best investigations in the game, for the highest amount of rewards (more on that later).
Farm Decorations and Artian Weapon Materials
Decorations are what makes it so much fun to combine armor sets together with different skills to get the just right build for your playstyle. And the good news is, there isn't really a right or wrong way to go about it!
If you want the best decorations though, you have to do hunts that have Ancient Orbs for either Weapon or Armor in them, and at a rarity 6 for the highest chance to get something good. These Ancient Orbs will appear in your loot pool at the end of the hunt, and will be opened automatically to reveal what decorations were inside.
These rare Ancient Orbs are most typically rewarded by the hardest monsters in the game, and from investigations.
For example some of the better drops come from the following monsters: Arkveld, Gore Magala, Rey Dau, Nu Udra, Uth Duna and Jin Dahad.
One of the best strategies is to look for multi-hunt investigations, that do not feature tempered monsters, yet feature at least one of the above monsters. These will give you the most rewards for your time.
If you want Artian Materials instead, it is the exact same rule, except you're looking for hunts that contain at least one tempered monster. These reward more materials, and a lot less Ancient Orbs.
Of course what the best decorations are differs from weapon to weapon, but there is one that almost every weapon more or less wants, and that is a Critical Jewel 3. It gives you three points into the critical boost skill, and as of writing this article, it is considered one of the best skills in the game.
Of course what the best decorations are differs from weapon to weapon, but there is one that almost every weapon more or less wants, and that is a Critical Jewel 3. It gives you three points into the critical boost skill, and as of writing this article, it is considered one of the best skills in the game.
Craft Armor for the Glamour!
Did you know that every piece of armor you make in high rank becomes a piece of layered armor? And that you can switch to in your tent at any time, and even change the colors and save as a loadout set? Well, now you do! It's time to go Glamour hunting and unlock your inner fashionista!
Capture Endemic Life and Fishing
Some of the side quests will teach you how to both fish and capture different endemic life out in the world, but did you know that there are several rare creatures to capture and fish up as well? Most of them are tied to different achievements, which usually also leads unlocking a new title or Hunter profile card, but they are completely optional!
For those who want to pursue this path in life, hunters can talk to the two researchers in the game's first hub town. Endemic Life rotates with different seasons and the time of the day, and these researchers will be there to guide you, and ask you to capture most of them.
Learn a New Weapon
This might sound obvious to people, but honestly learning a new weapon from scratch not only switches up your gameplay itself, but it also makes you relearn more or less every single monster in the game! What works for one weapon most likely will not work for another. Plus it also gives you a good excuse to build new armor sets that work with your new playstyle!
Not to mention the game also allows hunters to bring a sub-weapon with them on hunts, so learning at least two weapons might not be a bad idea either way.
Speed Running Hunts
There is currently a healthy speed kills community for each weapon in Wilds, and it's a fairly competitive scene. However, it is also a lot of fun, even if you cant probably beat top players, who, with certain weapon, are able to kill a tempered Arkveld in less than two minutes... Still, it is a fun challenge to beat your own times, and see how far you have come as you continue to master each monster and weapon.
These are some of the small tips I wanted to share with all of you hunters! Also a reminder that were going to soon get an update in early April which is gonna add even more fun. Happy Hunting everyone!
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