Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown Season 3 Begins March 19th, Adds Solo Race Mode

Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown Season 3 Roadmap

Nacon has announced that Season 3 of Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown will begin on March 19th, and will include new cars, new difficulty modes, and other quality of life adjustments.

In addition to the new content, the much requested feature of "solo race mode" is being added to the game as well, which includes the ability to pause races and quickly restart them if things are going south. Previously all events were "multiplayer" only, despite starting events against the AI. This has been one of the biggest complaints about TDUSC, along with the AI difficulty which has also been adjusted.

Please note that TDUSC is still an online only title, and the addition of single player still requires an online connection.

To learn more, here is the new official trailer.


The massively multiplayer online racing game Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown is set to launch Season 3 on March 19. Based on player feedback since launch, KT Racing has adjusted its seasonal roadmap to better align with community expectations.

Season 3 will introduce: Two major new game modes: Navigation Races and Delivery Missions; Two highly requested Quality of Life features: Solo Racing Mode and AI Difficulty Selection; Three exclusive new cars; A revamped Solar Pass, now featuring 50 levels instead of 25, and available for free to all players; Customizable license plates


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