I have to admit, I've been pushing to get more eyes on Heroclix for several years now to basically no avail. When I had my Twitter account, I used to share some of my favorite Heroclix models, and I swear it was like suddenly I had zero followers; literally no interaction with my posts whatsoever. No one cared about these incredibly sick miniatures. Which is insane to me, because there are hundreds of Heroclix from across so many different IP: Marvel, DC, Dungeons & Dragons, Yu-Gi-Oh!, BioShock Infinite, Halo, Gears of War, and countless others. I've actually never found another person to play Heroclix with either, so it's solely been a collector's hobby for me, but with the goal that eventually my kids will be into it and play with me. I refuse to stop attempting to push for more people to know about this tabletop game, and since we've started covering tabletop gaming on Netto's Game Room, I figured I'd share Heroclix news, whether you like it or not.
About via WizKids
Spider-Man is one of the most seasoned heroes of the Marvel Universe. With his power in your hand, take on the great responsibility of winning your next HeroClix game!
Marvel HeroClix: Spider-Verse lets you dive deeper into Spider-Man's adventures than before - by having more chase figures, and surprises in 12 boosters!
Spider-Man is at his best when surrounded by amazing friends like Iceman and Firestar. If you're more into his modern tales, you might put him webslinging alongside Ghost Spider or Miles Morales. He'll need all the help he can get to defeat swarms of henchmen from Norman Osborn and Mister Negative!
Some of Spider-Man's memorable foes appear in this set for their debut in HeroClix like The Wall and Kangaroo!
Get the most out of Spider-Men from your collection with brand new Legacy Cards!
One-Shot cards make an exciting return, letting you capture memorable moments as part of your strategic gameplan!
There are a few promo Heroclix that are part of this set. The one featured above is called Web Warriors, which is $15 to include with an order of a full Brick of Spider-Verse booster boxes.
Insanely enough, the
other promo for this set is Spider-Rex, which has to be one of the craziest looking Spider-Man variants that I've ever seen. It is $30 to include with a full Brick of booster boxes.
There are quite a few fun Heroclix in this set. You can find Spider-Man Noir, Spider-Man 2099, Spider-Ham, Web-Slinger (Cowboy Spider-Man) a version of Spider-Man who wields Mjolnir (which is a model that I'd love to get), and loads of iconic Spidey villains as well. More information on this set can be found on WizKid's
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