Arcade Archives Othello Out Now on Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4

HAMSTER has released the next entry within their Arcade Archives series; Othello is out now on Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4.

Othello originally released in 1984 by SUCCESS, and is a game of Reversi. The game is played on a 8x8 board, and begins with two white pieces and two black pieces in the middle. Players can drop their colored piece on the other side of the opposite color to "flip" it over and make it their own color. The ultimate goal is to fill the board with your own color of pieces, and whoever has the most in the end wins.

The game has simple rules, but requires a lot of thought to actually succeed. One of the main goals is to capture the edges of the board, with the corners often becoming key to winning. Corners pieces can never be flipped to the other color, as you cannot place pieces on the other sides of them (as there is no other side). Typically those who obtain the sides of the board will win, but it isn't impossible for a quick thinking player to turn the tables if they fail to do so.

Othello can be purchased for $7.99 digitally, and supports two player local multiplayer.


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