PlayStation has announced that beginning January 2026, PlayStation 4 games will no longer be a main focus of PlayStation Plus.
Although this doesn't mean PlayStation 4 games will be completely absent from the Free Monthly Games and the Game Catalogue, they will be less common. New releases will now mainly be PlayStation 5 titles.
This isn't uncommon for PlayStation Plus, as previously PlayStation 3 and Vita games were dropped part way through the PlayStation 4's life cycle. By January 2026, the PlayStation 5 will have been on the market for a little over five years.
For more, here is the official announcement as seen over at the PlayStation Blog.
Related: PlayStation Plus Games for February 2025
Update on PS4 Games for PlayStation Plus
As many of our players are currently playing on PS5 and have shifted toward redeeming and accessing PS5 titles from the Monthly Games and Game Catalog benefit, PlayStation Plus is also evolving with this trend and will focus on offering PS5 titles through the Monthly Games and Game Catalog benefit starting January 2026. As we shift to PS5, PS4 games will no longer be a key benefit and will only be occasionally offered for PlayStation Plus Monthly Games and Game Catalog starting January 2026. We may still provide titles that can be playable on both PS4 and PS5 consoles after this date.
Please note, this won’t affect the PS4 Monthly Games that you have already redeemed from PlayStation Plus. You’ll continue to have access to games you’ve already redeemed as long as you remain a member. For Game Catalog, PS4 games will still be available to play until it leaves the catalog as part of our monthly refresh.
We’ll continue to evolve the experience of PlayStation Plus and optimize the benefits you receive, including exclusive discounts, online multiplayer access, online game save storage and more. As we shift our focus to PS5, we look forward to adding new PS5 titles monthly for you to enjoy.
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