The Exit 8 Review

The Exit 8

Madness. How else am I going to say this? The Exit 8 is a game that drove me insane, but I also feel like it is an experience everyone should give a chance.

The Exit 8, and The Exit 8 VR are short "walking simulators" that ask you, the player, to test your powers of observation. There isn't a story, you are the main character, and your only goal is to escape an underground hallway. You begin the game in this hallway, you walk forward, make some turns, and watch a guy walk by you. At this moment, this is your entire existence, and it continues on and on without end. Until you realize what you must do.

To escape and find "Exit 8," a sign on the wall provides you with a simple clue. It tells you to observe the hallway, and if anything seems "out of place" or "different," you simply turn back and go the way you came. Each time you enter the hall you'll see some posters on the left side, some doors on the right, the same guy will walk by you, and you are always given the same choice. Do you keep going forward, or turn around?

I personally spent more than an hour walking through this same hall over and over again. If you make the correct move of either advancing forward or turning back, the sign you cross will state which number loop you are on. You begin at 0, and ultimately want to make it to, and clear, number 8. Make a mistake and go the wrong way, and you are then sent back to 0. And that is the entire game!

The Exit 8

There is something unnerving about The Exit 8, with no music, and only the clip clop of shoes echoing as your main source of sound. Of course there are other things that happen that make sounds, such as one of the side doors opening up, but that right there tells you something is "different" or "wrong." That is your cue to turn around and go back, as it is something out of the norm. These differences are the least disturbing however, as other times you will turn that corner only to see something unexpected. And that is where most of the horror comes from.

Overall the game isn't scary, but the combination of the eerie hallway, and unexpected sights is what can cause jump scares. Sometimes the differences in what you see do not even come from the hall itself, but the man who walks by who could possibly chase you or look at you with a creepy grin on his face. Again, nothing ever happens to you, but the surprise combine with the weirdness of it all can make you jump.

More so in VR.

Although The Exit 8 and The Exit 8 VR are the same games, the added element of "being in there" is much stronger in VR. The gameplay doesn't change, but actually walking through the hall, and getting an up close and personal look at everything heightens the experience... To the point that by the time it was over I was still seeing that darn hallway. By that point I was honestly ready to quit (I even smacked the cell phone out of the guy's hand in frustration), but I stuck it out to the end. Some of the differences I flat out never caught, and simply made the correct guess to advance on. Eventually I did realize that the back of the overhead sign was sometimes different, so I began checking it every single time. 

I also quickly realized that despite having a run button, it isn't really something you want to use. Sometimes differences do not even appear until enough time has passed, so the game wants you to take things slow. But again, this drove me insane after awhile, and by the end I was ready to be out of there.

Should you play it?

The Exit 8 and The Exit 8 VR is a short experience. You can finish it in 10 to 15 minutes I'm sure, or you can be like me and spend over an hour in there. There isn't much to the game, but it is an interesting experience that tests your powers of observation. I can't compare it to other walking simulators as there isn't anything else quite like it, but those looking for a short puzzle will most likely enjoy it. Thankfully the game is cheap, but those who jump in should realize that this will be a one time thing. Once you learn what all of the differences can possibly be, you will be on the lookout for them, and that makes it much easier to pass. The first time through though? Get ready to be lost for awhile. I was sent a review copy by the developer so I didn't have to pay for it, but I feel like this is something I would've picked up eventually just to try out.

Overall I'd recommend it to anyone looking for a unique experience, but just know that there isn't much to the game at all. This is not one you will come back to often, unless it is to show to your friends.

Disclosure: I received a free review copy of this product from

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