Hi everyone, and welcome to Netto's Game Room's Countdown to Christmas!
From now until Christmas Day, we here at Netto's Game Room will be releasing original winter themed articles. Similar to our Halloween series a couple of months ago, we will be asking our writers and staff to share their thoughts and opinions on different Christmas themed topics, and will then share the answers with the world!
To kick things off we are starting with something pretty simple. We asked our staff "What is your favorite Snow or Ice Level?" And this is what they had to say.
I’ll choose a region from a game; namely World of Warcraft. There’s an awesome zone called Winterspring, on the continent Kalimdor. It’s the only snowy zone on that entire continent, and it’s really cool. There are frozen lakes, and Night Elven ruins buried under thick snowbanks. Enormous trees are all over the zone, adding to the feeling that you’re a tiny character in this vast, snow-covered valley. There’s a tribe of furbolgs (humanoid bears) that live in the zone, and you interact with them quite a lot. A Goblin outpost, Everlook, is the main site of civilization in Winterspring. This zone is also the home of the magical Blue Dragonflight. Anytime I level a character through Kalimdor, I have to do some of my levels in Winterspring.
My favorite snow level is going to come as no surprise to those who know me. It is none other than the Chill Penguin stage in MegaMan X!
Chill’s stage is the first level you want to play in the game (unless you are playing the PSP remake) as it is where X gains his dash power up. Not only is this power up key to making it through the game, but it greatly enhances the gameplay in general! Of course this isn’t the reason I like the stage though. In reality, I simply love the stage. It is simple, you get to destroy igloos, and it is one of the few stages that lets you use the Ride Armor. The music is great as well, and Chill Penguin is such an easy boss to take down. I simply enjoy the entire thing!
I don’t really know if it’s a stage/world, but Jeremy picked a World of Warcraft area, so this should count, as well; I shall go with Bergen Trail from Cross Code.
It honestly doesn’t really do much different than other areas in the game, but that’s just what I like about it - putting aside just how beautiful every area in the game is, they all have such incredible exploration within them, with puzzles spanning several screens in order to reach treasure and locations. Honestly, exploring Cross Code’s world was a pure joy for me, and Bergen Trail was just on the same standard, that it simply puts it above other snow levels for me on that alone.
If that doesn’t count, then Ice Caverns in Spyro 1, because I’m a sucker for Spyro 1.
For me it is gonna be a childhood favourite, Mario 64 Cool Cool Mountain, has a very catchy song, very memorable stars to collect with the two different slides and getting the penguin child back to its mama (or being that player that threw them off the cliff lol). I personally like it more than the other snow level called Snowman land.
We also asked this question to our Discord Server and we received the following response:
BeamBrain said "I'd have to go with Phendrana Drifts from Metroid Prime. It's atmospheric and has really nice music." While NightmareBlade chose the cleverly named Snow Worries from Ty the Tasmanian Tiger.
And that about covers it for Day 1! We look forward to seeing you next time! Also feel free to leave a comment below to tell us your favorite snow or ice level as well. We would love to hear from you.
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