INANIMA: Interview with the developers of the new Pixel Art Horror Survival, set within the universe of Lamentum


is a brand new Pixel Art Horror Survival game that is set within the universe of Lamentum. It is the second major game project by the team over at Obscure Tales, and the first game of theirs to take a more "classic" modern approach to survival horror.

As stated by the official description, the game is a survival horror game set in the isolated facilities of a strange corporation, but we decided to reach out to the developers to see if we could learn more about this interesting looking game. Featuring unique grotesque enemy designs, and a style that calls back to classic Resident Evil, it is a game that really caught our eye.

INANIMA Screenshot

Hello, and thank you so much for agreeing to be interviewed today! I'm Ben, and I'm the owner of Netto's Game Room. To start things off, I was hoping you could tell us a little about yourself?

Thank you, Ben! It's a pleasure to be here. We are a small team of two: Nico, the programmer, and Fran, the artist. We both share a passion for video games, particularly indie games and the survival horror genre. We’ve been working together for several years now, with our first project being Lamentum, and we’re now fully focused on INANIMA. We love pixel art and horror, which are the core of our creations.

Your new project we are discussing today is INANIMA, but this isn't your first game. Could you tell us a little about your previous work?

Yes, our previous game is called Lamentum, a survival horror game set in the Victorian era, heavily inspired by classic horror titles like Resident Evil and Silent Hill. It was our first full-time project, and it features pixel art with a dark, Lovecraftian atmosphere. Lamentum allowed us to explore the combination of pixel art and horror, which is something we’re continuing to evolve in INANIMA.

What is the story of INANIMA, and is it connected to Lamentum? Or is this a new world/universe?

Lamentum and INANIMA share the same universe, but INANIMA is not a sequel. It is a completely different story set in a more modern time period, the 80s and 90s. While both games explore similar themes of horror and the unknown, INANIMA stands on its own, separate from Lamentum, though fans of the previous game might notice some connections.

INANIMA is a classic-styled survival horror game. What would you say was your biggest influence when it came to crafting this new title? Personally, I got strong The Evil Within vibes the first time I saw it!

That's a great comparison! The Evil Within is definitely one of the influences, along with other modern horror titles. However, we also take a lot of inspiration from classic survival horror games like Resident Evil and Silent Hill. While Lamentum was more rooted in old-school survival horror, INANIMA blends those influences with a more action-oriented approach. Movies like Hellraiser and The Thing also played a big role in shaping the tone and atmosphere of the game.


INANIMA Screenshot

What can you tell us about your enemy design? I really like your style from what I've seen, and it gave me instant PTSD as it reminded me of the aliens from Muv-Luv. It's a unique disturbing style that you rarely see in horror games.

Thank you! We put a lot of thought into the enemy designs, trying to create disturbing and unsettling creatures that feel alien and monstrous. Our goal is to evoke a sense of dread every time you encounter an enemy. The designs are heavily inspired by body horror and Lovecraftian elements, where things don’t quite feel natural or human, and you can sense that something is terribly wrong with them. We wanted them to feel unpredictable and dangerous.

Being a horror survival, how limiting would you say resources will be? Is this a game where we will have a limited number of saves, or will it mainly come from ammo, healing items, etc.?

We will have two save systems: a limited save system for those who want a more classic experience, and an unlimited save option for players who prefer not to have that restriction. Resource management will still be important, with limited ammo, healing items, and other resources, which will force players to make strategic choices.


INANIMA Screenshot

Any challenge modes planned at this time, or higher difficulty options for those who want to torture themselves? (Like a single life mode?)

We are planning higher difficulty options for players who want more of a challenge. We love the idea of offering tougher modes that push players' skills to the limit, but we won’t include permadeath or single-life modes.

One of the features in the game is that enemies will be sensitive to light and sound. Does this mean we'll need to use flashlights to see in the dark, and throw objects to distract our enemies? Or what can players expect from this mechanic in general?

Yes, light and sound will play an essential role in the gameplay. Players will need to use flashlights to navigate dark areas, but doing so might attract enemies, so you’ll have to be strategic. Another example is when searching for resources; this action will create noise and may attract monsters. Players will need to decide when it's safe to explore or whether they should avoid making noise.


INANIMA Screenshot

Is there anything you can tell us about the puzzle-solving in the game?

Puzzle-solving will definitely be a core element of INANIMA. Just like in Lamentum, players will need to solve environmental puzzles to progress through the game. Some puzzles will be more complex, requiring players to pay attention to details in the environment, while others may involve interacting with certain objects or piecing together clues scattered throughout the game.


INANIMA Screenshot

Can we expect to find notes and other pieces of information to read, or will most of the game's story be told through cutscenes and dialogue?

There will be a mix of both. Players will find notes and other documents scattered throughout the game world that provide additional context and backstory. We love environmental storytelling, and reading these notes will be crucial for uncovering deeper layers of the story. However, there will also be key moments told through cutscenes and dialogue.

Are there any planned extras or secrets at this time? (Can be a simple yes or no)

Yes, we plan to include some secrets and hidden content for players to discover.

What would you say you are most excited about with this game? What is the one thing you can't wait for the world to see?

We’re really excited about how INANIMA combines action and horror in a pixel art style. It’s a big step forward for us in terms of both gameplay mechanics and visual storytelling. We can’t wait for players to experience the tension of the combat and explore the dark, atmospheric world we’ve created.


INANIMA Screenshot

Is there anything else you would like to tell the world about INANIMA? Or anything new you would like to announce?

This game is very special to us. We’re putting our heart and soul into INANIMA, and we’re determined to create something truly unique and memorable. We want players to feel that passion and experience something different and impactful. We can’t wait for everyone to see what we’ve been working on.

And that's a wrap! Thank you so much for taking the time to speak with me today! Before we go, there was one last thing I wanted to ask. Could you tell us when INANIMA is expected to release, and do you have plans to release it on other consoles in the future?

We’re aiming for a release in 2025, and yes, we plan to release INANIMA on multiple platforms, including consoles. We’ll have more details on that as development progresses.

Although INANIMA will not be out until next year, Lamentum is currently available on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation, Xbox, and PC.

For more on INANIMA, you can watch the official trailer and check out the gallery below, or head on over to the Official Steam Page to Wishlist the game today.


INANIMA - Netto's Game Room Interview

Reveal Trailer:

Original Soundtrack Preview:

Listen to the full preview playlist here

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