The difference between Canon of Creation and Vengeance in Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance and where to start

Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance

Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance has been out for a little while now, but a lot of new fans and players of the original still have questions. What is Vengeance exactly, and just how different is it? 

Well previously we released an article covering the 50 new features in the game, and we also released a full review that goes into detail about the split between "Canon of Creation" and the "Canon of Vengeance" storylines... But we're going to make finding that information easier for you.

For anyone who wants to know exactly the difference between the two paths, and how different they really are; here's a rundown of what you can expect.

Common Ground:

First of all, the paths are not different right off the bat. The game begins by giving you the option to either take a girl's hand, or to refuse it. Refusing to reach out will lead you down the original Canon of Creation storyline, while taking her hand will start Canon of Vengeance. The game does ask you to confirm your choice after you make it, so you are not locked into your path instantly. 

Once you start the game, the intro will be exactly the same. Based on how fast you play, there will be a few hours where nothing has changed between the two paths. It's not until the cutscene by the ruined train that things are different, and even then the difference is only the introduction of the new character Yoko. She will show up along side another main character and add additional dialogue, but the next part of the game won't diverge too drastically.

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Semi-Common Ground:

Once you meet Yoko, she actually joins the party. She has her own skills and abilities, and she will be with you for most of the game. Her being there adds additional dialogue to cutscenes, and she can be spoken to in the new "Demon Haunt" area, but the next section of the game will still be mostly the same. A group called the "Qadistu" appear and add extra boss fights, but the first area is still mostly the same.

After clearing the intro area and returning to Tokyo, things get mixed up a bit more. The same story events happen, but a few new scenes have been added into the game to develop the story even further. Yoko plays a big part in these changes, but the biggest change of all occurs at the end of this section.

While the game's first "standard dungeon" plays out the same, it's the ending that changes everything and causes a bit more of a split... Just not the main one.

The original Canon of Creation story has you entering the second Netherworld area, and working your way across it to track down a demon. Multiple side quests and sub stories happen along the way, but you have a clear goal. Meanwhile the Canon of Vengeance has you completing a similar goal, but with the Qadistu and more story scenes mixed in. Upon finishing this area however, the entire game changes, and the story fully splits off.

Depending how fast you play through the game, this could easily been 10-30 hours of similar content. Actual playtime depends on how familiar you are with the game, how much time you spend grinding, and how much of the maps you actually clear out. Either way, it's a decent chunk of time that will be a lot alike.

Canon of Creation:

The Canon of Creation split begins at the third area. The game's story leads you to a completely new location, where one of the game's "key events" takes place. It's important to note that this event still occurs in the Path of Vengeance, but it is not required knowledge to follow or understand the story. That being said, the Path of Creation will be its own game from here on out.

Vengeance does have additional dialogue added to the story, and new side quests, so it won't be the same experience as the original Switch release. The main story however, has not been changed, and includes the same endings as the original. This side of the story is "less developed" compared to its new counterpart, but it's still an interesting journey and provides reasons to play through it.

Canon of Vengeance:

The third area of Canon of Vengeance is completely different. Instead of heading to the original planed destination, the main character is sent to a new destination. This new area is huge, with plenty of new side quests spread out across the map, and the story itself fully shifts towards Yoko and the Qadistu. New dialogue, new character interactions, changes to existing characters, and more. It's a completely different story from what was in Path of Creation.

That being said, the game contains five main areas on each path, with the last two areas being shared between both Creation and Vengeance. Again, new side quests have been added, but you will repeat some of the same things between the paths. What you won't repeat is the Qadistu fights, and all the new story content that comes from their introduction. So even though you'll revisit the same areas, story wise everything has changed.

So which should you play first?

Honestly, even if you haven't played the original Switch version, then you should still start with Canon of Vengeance. Again, the first chunk of the game is mostly the same, and then when the split occurs the Canon of Vengeance ends up having a lot more content. You'll visit the later areas during both story paths, but visiting them in Vengeance will be a more developed experience, while the Canon of Creation will feel a bit more empty. While the Canon of Vengeance will have you square off against the Qadistu, and reveal multiple shocking plot twists along the way; the Canon of Creation is mostly "get to the end of the area..." Which is your goal in Vengeance as well, but with a lot more going on as you work towards that goal.

So while it's ultimately up to you to decide which to play, there's no denying that Vengeance will offer the best experience. Of course this can be a double edge sword, as playing the better story first will make Creation feel hollow, but thankfully the game has plenty of reasons to replay it anyway. So even if Creation isn't as exciting as Vengeance, it's still a fun path, and you will unlock path exclusives that carry into New Game Plus.

And there you have it! A complete break down of the paths, while being as spoiler free as possible. Hopefully I answered any question you might've had, but if not, then feel free to leave a comment below!

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