Three Platinum Trophies you can earn this Friday on PlayStation Plus Premium

Are you a trophy hunter who has PlayStation Plus Premium? Well you're in luck! If you haven't played them already, there's quite a few games on PS Plus Premium that you can earn a Platinum trophy in easily. In fact, what if I said there were three games you could Platinum tonight? Or better yet, if you have a PlayStation 5, what if I said you can earn FIVE platinum trophies tonight?

Well, right now I'm going to tell you how to do just that!

Here's three games (two of which have a PS4 and PS5 version) that you can quickly earn the Platinum Trophy in.

Unpacking (PlayStation 4 & PlayStation 5)

To start things off, we have a simple, but fun "puzzle" game. Unpacking is a pixel art isometric view game where you follow a young girl through her different stages of life. The first level is her childhood bedroom, and all you have to do is open up her boxes, and place her stuff where you think it should go. And that's it! That's the entire game! 

Now this might sound boring at first, but it's actually quite satisfying! Each box you open is going to greet you with something new to place, and you get to decide how you are going to organize things. As a kid you'll be looking at setting up toys and putting away your school supplies, but as you get older things obviously change. The main character gets newer video game consoles (such as the Wii), she gets more into computers and art, and eventually as an adult she has an entire house to setup and unpack. This means setting up the kitchen, bathroom, living room, etc, and not all boxes make it to the correct room. You can be unpacking your living room and find your toilet paper, or maybe your toaster was in your bathroom. It's realistic with how things go when you move, and it's used in it's storytelling as well.

I wont ruin it here, but unpacking this girl's life, well, tells this girl's life story. The game won't let you place objects in an "incorrect" location, and sometimes this is used in the story as well. While you as a player might think "oh, this goes here!" But our main character will think, and feel, otherwise. It's a creative way to get the point across, and I enjoyed it a lot. There's also her favorite stuffed animal who goes with her everywhere, which is a really nice touch!

To get the Platinum, all you have to do is finish every stage, which won't take that long, and do a few extras. The extras are in the trophy description, and pretty easy. If you miss something you can freely go back to your old rooms to change things, so it's no big deal. For example, one trophy is to use the magnets on the fridge to make a math problem. 1 + 2 = 3, and done. If you miss it, the trophy itself tells you which area it is done in, so again, no big deal.

Overall, it would only take a couple of hours to knock this one out, but you could easily spend more time making everything perfect. On the other hand, the game has a PS4 and PS5 version (so two Platinums), and a second run can easily be speed ran by placing things (mostly) randomly.

Pinball Heroes (PlayStation 4 & PlayStation 5)


Pinball Heroes is a PSP remastered game with a PS4 and PS5 version. There's honestly not a lot to say about this game, as it's a PlayStation inspired pinball game. Each stage is based on a different PlayStation IP, and has different gimmicks associated with it. That being said, all you have to do is hit the high score in each level, and you are done. As for that high score? It's surprisingly low.

Since the game is a PSP remaster, you can actually rewind time if you mess up (giving you unlimited plays), but the game is very easy even without that. Even someone with no pinball experience can achieve the high scores without too much effort, but the rewind feature ensures you cannot fail. Since the game has a PS4 and PS5 version you can get two Platinum trophies out of this, and each one shouldn't take more than an hour. (Unless you get hooked on playing that is!)

Overall it's a fun pinball game, and honestly worth playing even if it didn't have a Platinum to work towards. (And you can say the same thing about the other two games on this list as well.)

inFAMOUS First Light (PlayStation 4)

This is the game that will take the most work on this list, but even then it's only three to five hours long.

The game itself is a prequel to inFAMOUS Second Son, and tells the story of Fetch, a young woman with "Neon" powers. The story focuses on her reliving her past memories, and her living her life with her superpowers. While those who played Second Son will already be familiar with Fetch, it's not required to play this stand alone game.

While the story itself isn't that long, the main gameplay comes from the "arena" fights you get to put Fetch through. These are areas setup with mobs of enemies of different types, and requires you to go completely wild with all of the powers Fetch has at her disposal. This is a purely gameplay focused mode, and where most of the trophies come from. Players need to hit the high scores, and that's about it! It might take a little bit of practice, but it honestly isn't bad at all. Heck, it's possible to achieve them all on your first try.

There are some collection trophies as well, but the game world map isn't that big, and it basically shows you where everything is. It won't take long to knock these off the trophy list, while everything else will come naturally from just playing the game.

Again, this one is the longest out of the three games on this list, but it's also the one packed with the most gameplay and story.

And there you have it! That's three games you can get the Platinum trophy on today. I hope you enjoyed the list, and maybe learned about a new game or three.

Also feel free to check out our "Three JRPGs you can play this weekend on PS Plus Collection," and for more original content, check back here at Netto's Game Room.

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