Introducing, or, re-introducing, the Fourth! Vile!

"That's a peculiar name you've given yourself."
"Well when you think about it, I've been the 4th figurehead reigning supremacy over the C.N. of old for awhile. I know I was the third in Kirby's Dream World -- but C.N. will always hold a far more special place for me."

Glad to meet you all. My name is ... well, that's private, but you may address me as Four, formerly known to some of my cohorts as Vile, both on the Cyber Net and KDW. (Vilevava on youtube).
Me and good old Netto go back to ... wow, our barely teenage years as I was 13 when I first saw him, and 14 when we became better associated. This was 10 years ago mind you, as I'm 24 right now.
More about myself, I am a very aspiring writer, avid with making scripts for stories and roleplaying. I hope to use these skills to help write some reviews, blog a few opinions, and socialize accordingly with you lot.
Naturally, like all others here, I'm an avid gamer as well. Not to toot my own horn, but I'm pretty good too!
I grew up on games since I first came to the States at the tender age of 3 (Mario Land, my first game~), so I know what I'm talking about~

I'm generally a lax person, and almost anything can make me laugh. Though I act prim&proper during business meetings (such as this intro as you've no doubt noticed) I am not by any means a prude!

My hobbies outside of gaming and writing are drawing and cosplaying. I also tend to AnimeNext on a yearly basis, (let me know if you're going and we'll set up a personal meeting) so there's that.
I love retro-gaming, RPGs, puzzle games (though I'm bad at them), Tactial games, and generally anything that isn't DBZ Sagas. Worst. Game. Ever. .. *cough*

Ah, what else?

Oh yeah, I said this before but I love roleplay!!! So let me know if you wanna work a story some time!
Have an Emoji.

P.S. I am on the forums hyper-religiously, so let's all be friends shall we? I love to talk a lot.

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