The Pokemon Collectionary
Hello NGR fans and Pokemon fans. Today I wanted to let you all know about a new project I thought some of you would be interested in. A website called "The Collectionary" is currently working on building one of the world's largest catalogs of Pokemon collectibles. They are cataloging just about everything, from toys, to cards, and other forms of Pokemon merchandise.

Although you cannot buy any of the collectibles seen on the site, it is still a nice way to see what is out there. Pokemon is one of them series which exploded when it first came out, and its merchandise has since spread throughout the world. In the 90s and 2000s you would see "Pokemon" stores in SEARS, every toy store would have a section dedicated to Pokemon, and a lot of major food chains started giving away Pokemon toys and cards as well. The series was a hit, and almost everyone wanted to jump aboard the Pokemon band wagon. Back then you could buy magazines or catalogs in stores which would show you some of the merchandise out there, such as the cards, but such things no longer exist in today's world.

With the collectionary's new Pokemon collectionary, us fans can once again look into the past at everything Pokemon used to be, as well as see what it has become today. Pokemon is still popular, toys and other forms of merchandise are still being made, and there is still no end in sight. Pokemon is a series which will continue to live on and expand as the years go on.

If you would like to take a look into the past for nostalgia, or if you would like to keep in touch with Pokemon of today, then check out the site by going to the link below:

They are currently looking for people to help out as well, so if you're interested, feel free to stop on by.

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