Netto's Game Room - Firefox Theme

Today we here at Netto's Game Room are happy to announce that our Netto's Game Room theme for Firefox is now live! For the past few months we have been reporting on video game news, we have been publishing video game reviews, and other video game related articles as well. We have always been a blog that provides a service, and we have never stepped outside of that field. Sure, we have published articles on other websites form time to time, but we have never provided anything that you the readers could make use of. Well, that all changes today.

If you use the web browser Firefox, you can now download a Netto's Game Room theme! The theme uses our standard blue colors, but it also provides a quick inside look at the future of NGR's design. To install the theme, simply go to: and click the big "Add to Firefox" button. The theme will be added to your list, and it can then be used at anytime!

Well anyway, I hope you guys enjoy! Feel free to leave us any feedback, and we will make sure to get back to you as soon as possible. Until next time!

(Note: Netto's Game Room Firefox theme is subject to change over time.)

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