Valve Demos New Controller

Within the last month Valve decided to drop quite a few bomb shells on us. They officially announced their brand new OS, their Steam Machines, and a new controller as well. Although most of the news Valve had to share was accepted with open arms by most fans, the newly announced controller did cause a few people to express their concerns.The controller had two trackpads in place of analog sticks, the buttons were placed in awkward positions, and it was hard to tell what some of the buttons would be used for. Well, them worries have now been put to rest!

Valve has finally shown off the new Steam Controller in action, and it looks stunning! All of the questions you may have had have now been answered, and the controller is looking even better than anyone could have imagined. Awhile back Valve stated that their controller would be one that worked with all Steam games, and it looks like they were able to meet their goal. Not only does it work well with multiplatform released "console" games, but it works for fully mouse controlled games as well.

For more information, check out the video below!

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