Starbound (Indie Game) - Release Date Update

Today I have a small update to pass along to clear up some incorrect information. A few days ago on June 29th, fellow NGR writer "CheerfulJochan" wrote an article covering the indie game "Starbound." In the original article (which can be found here it was stated that the game's beta would be released in July. Well, that is not the case. According to Chucklefish's community manager "Mollygos" (who I would like to thank once again for contacting me on this issue), a release date has not yet been stated. As of right now, the game will be available sometime in 2013.

I know some of you may have been looking forward to getting your hands on the game this month, but it seems like we are all going to have to wait a little bit longer. Once again I'm sorry about the mix up, and I wanted to let you all know that the original post will be updated to prevent any farther spread of misinformation. Also please understand that although we always double check our sources in order to bring you guys accurate news; sometimes mix ups do happen.

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