New Capcom IP - Gaist Crusher

Today Capcom of Japan has announced a brand new IP coming to the Nintendo 3DS! It is a game that focuses on kids transforming into skilled fighters to take on giants! Yep, that's actually all we really know about it at this moment. The game appears to be a mix between Meagman and Monster Hunter, with the main characters transforming just like the characters in Megaman ZX, Megaman Star Force, and the characters in the Rockman.EXE anime, in order to fight these beasts/robots. Just check out the trailer below!

So, what did you guys think? Really I'm starting to wonder if this is what became of the Legends 3 Project. After it shut down many people, including myself, believed that EX Troopers may have been the result, but it turns out that wasn't true. EX Troopers was actually being developed along side Legends 3, and in no way did it take anything from the project (according to Capcom at least. I'm sure everyone else noticed the biker from Legends 3 who was still walking around the game!) This, on the other hand, is a different story however. This is a brand new IP which has been in the works SINCE the cancellation of Legends 3, and it has a striking resemblance to the project.
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