All Pokedex AR Cards!

Hey guys this was actually something I was going to post yesterday, but I'll just go ahead and do it now.
So after the Pokedex 3D came out (actually about 5 mins after the eShop went up and I got the Pokedex downloaded) I started messing around with different AR Cards in MS Paint. Well I ended up coming across glitches that allowed me to find Pokemon even without actually finding the right AR Card. Well one thing lead to another and after searching for hours, along with other members of GameFAQs who ended up getting the same idea, we are proud to announce that we have found EVERY code!

Actually we had this list finished only a few short hours after the release of the Pokedex 3DS (yep we even beat them Pokemon fan sites for once XD), but I guess it's better late than never!

So how does this work? Simply go into the AR Viewer mode in the Pokedex and scan the picture below! Please note that most of the pokemon at this time will not be FULL pokemon, but they will at least get them in the sticker book.

Note: Credit for this belongs to the posters in these topics at

Well enjoy guys! (Also sorry for ruining your plans Nintendo...)

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